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There are countless amounts of situations to have a malpractice case.

Some of the most popular are:


Surgical mistakes

Failure to diagnose

Improper or incorrect medical tests

Negligent amputations

Cancer misdiagnosis

Birth injuries

Improper blood transfusions

Delay in treatment or diagnosis

Prescription dosage errors

Anesthesia errors

Failure to follow protocols

Defective medical device

Bowel Obstruction

Gynecologist Medical Malpractice

Organ Puncture

Errors with medication or treatment

Cerebral palsy cases

Failure to advise of diagnosis


If you or someone you know has dealt with injury or death because of a medical issue it's important that you seek legal advice right away. Medical Malpractice can stay with you forever causing severe injury and suffering. At the Law Office of Dwight D. Joyce we do everything to make sure our clients get compensated for everything deserved. Compensation for this matter includes, but is not limited to, all your pain and suffering, care expenses, loss wages, medical expenses, and temporary or permanent disability.

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